Denton Civic Center

The Denton Civic Center created by O’Neil Ford. This structure helps show his diverse array of designs he has used over the decades. This building is multifunctional and uses different styles to create its shape. The curved top helps create a distinct look among many others within the area. Ford was very good at creating distinct structures.

Blog 5

Central Beheer Offices

This building is in Apeldoorn in the Netherlands.  It was designed by Herman Hertzberger and built-in 1970.  The building is very interesting in that Hertzberger tried to design it in a way that the space could be utilized in different ways.  Hertzberger didn’t want to make a building that was for a single-use, instead hoping to create a space that could be used in a bunch of different ways, adapting with the people inside. The inside has lots of small nooks where people were supposed to interact with each other.  Overall the building is a little boxy for my tastes and some of the materials used inside give it a dated look. The intention behind the building is really interesting and an idea that I think should be included in most buildings.

Blog 1- Building 1 (negative)

This is the El Paso Event Center in El Paso, TX. This is where the downfall of my hockey career began because it kicked off my concussion prone season. I got my first concussion of the 4 I received that season here. By the end of the year (my fourth that season) it put me in the teens for how many concussions I had over my career and I had to retire. Also the fans in El Paso suck and I can’t count the amount of beer I had dumped on me.

Blog 2 Fred Jones Jr Museum of Art

Even though I walked by this building so many times in the last 3 years, I never knew what building it was. This building always piqued my interest because it doesn’t look like any of the other buildings on campus. One day after class I just went for it and decided to go inside and that’s when I found out it was the Fred Jones Jr Art Museum. The inside of the building was so interesting. There were some rooms that were made to feel like you were standing in the time period that the art was created. I was so happy that I decided to go in this building that day.

2.3 Henning Larsen- Uppsala Konsert & Kongress

Uppsula Konsert and Kongress is located in southern Sweden. It is a concert hall as well as a convention center. It is considered one of the premier places of meeting in all of the Nordic countries. It can be used not only just for concerts but it could be rented out for for business meetings as well. There is also a high end restaurant in the building that serves food every weekday as well as Saturday.

4. Ando Tadao – Chapel on the Water

Another one of Ando Tadao’s masterpieces in Japan is the Chapel on the Water. The building was designed in 1985 in Tomamu Shimukappu, one of the islands of Japan. I recommend you look up more pictures of this place because the insides view is incredible. The point of view from the people in the chapel is very scenic and well designed. It is a privately owned wedding chapel on the water and now is my favorite chapel. I love the work of Ando Tadao!

Michael Reynolds Earthship School – Blog 8

Throughout his career, Michael Reynolds has proven that he not only cares tremendously about the well-being of the environment, but he wants to positively impact people and communities all around the world. The first Earthship in Latin America was a sustainable public school located in Uraguay. The school  includes old rubber tires, aluminum cans, solar panels, and many more recycled or natural resources. Reynolds help guide hundreds of volunteers to construct the amazing school over the course of a few months. I find it interesting that a school with such a complex drainage and drinking water system can be created from these kinds of materials. The true genius of Michael Reynolds was showed off in this building because it proved that no matter the geographic location, he can make an advanced, eco-friendly building like this one!

Latin America's First Earthship is a Sustainable School Built from Found Materials,via Earthship Biotecture / Tagma

Little Chapel in the Woods

This incredible chapel created by O’Neil Ford is one of the most aesthetically pleasing structures he has created in my opinion. The chapel is located in Denton, Texas. The inside of this structure is perfectly symmetrical and embodies a real chapel feel. Use of wood and stone/brick create a sturdy, yet beautiful structure.

Tower of the Americas

This is a very famous building by architect O’Neil Ford in San Antonio, Texas. I have actually visited this building in person and it is incredible. There is a restaurant located on the top floor. This building was originally created for part of the Worlds Fair decades ago. The tall slim structure towers over the skyline once you are inside. I was astounded by this building when I saw it in person.

2.2 Henning Larsen- Harpa Music Hall

This building is one of Henning Larsen’s last pieces of work. The construction began in 2007 until the Great Recession took grip of the construction company, forcing the company to stop construction. The cost of construction was then taken into the government’s hands until the construction was complete. The construction was complete in 2011. It is now used as a concert hall as well as a conference center. It has been seen in popular shows such as Black Mirror which is on Netflix.