McFarlin Methodist Church (Blog 2, 09/22/19)

Upon this visit I was able to actually view the inside, and it didn’t disappoint. Sticking much to the theme of Gothic architecture like I mentioned in my last post, this church had grandiose ceilings inside that made you feel like you were in a sophisticated, highly safe cavern if that makes sense. One thing I especially loved was the tower that can be seen in the picture; not only is it highly gothic, it also almost reminds me of OU’s own tower.

McFarlin Methodist Church (Blog 1, 09/15/19)

I had driven by the McFarlin Methodist Church countless times since I had moved here to Oklahoma, but had never actually appreciated its grandeur until I took this class and started learning a baseline knowledge on architecture. Thanks to my newfound knowledge, I now recognize that this magnificent structure is highly inspired by Gothic influences as well as other ancient methods.

Blog One

Image result for ou bizzell library

One building that has influenced me both in a positive and negative way is the Bizzell Library. It affected me in a negative way because I have spent many long nights here studying, however the overall look of the architecture, in my opinion, is quite interesting. I think that all the pillars attached to the building are a cool design choice. The  various statues attached to the building are also a neat addition to the overall architecture of the building.  When I first encountered the building, I was a bit overwhelmed by how expansive this library was, the various statues beginning right above the door of the building and ending all the way at the top of it, as well as the interesting nature of the architecture. Before coming to OU I had never really seen a building quite like this one, and it soon came to be a building I would spend frequent hours at.

Blog 4

Roman Theater

This theater have about 6000 seats, the rulers sat the closest to the seen, in the middle secured by the military and the rest goes for the people. also it was built north so it keeps the sun off the spectators. They also hold festivals at night.

Blog 3


It is one of my favorite places It was close to our city about 1 hour away compared to the other monuments. It is used to be owned by grease before the Byzantines took it.  The Oval Plaza holds the Jerash festival, they have a lot of activities during the festival.

United States Capitol- Davis Lambert

The United States Capitol is one of the more important and unique buildings we have in our country. It is the centerpiece for all that keeps our great country standing on its feet. This building is very special to me because I got to work in and around it for a month as an intern and got see what its all truly about. My intern was during a very exciting time for America (some might say). It was January of 2017, during the time of the inauguration of President Donald Trump.  It was an incredibly hectic time in Washing D.C. Whenever I see pictures of the capitol and all of its magnificence, I think of the time when I got to spend a month being a part of it all. The people in there and all the tools that keep our country great are so special to see. When any American thinks of a dome top to a building, they will probably first think of the United States Capitol. Its long stairs at its front make it’s appearance all the greater as it appears to be up on a pedestal.  It is hard to say which side is the front and which side is the back because they are both equally as incredible. The above picture shows where presidential inaugurations take place and I was privileged enough to attend President Donald Trumps. My experience in Washington D.C. centered around the capitol and it will always be one of the cornerstone sites that will remind me of one of the most remarkable months I ever had.

Gold Dome

The meaning of this building to me was a strange one. My freshman year I went to Oklahoma City University which was only a few blocks away from this building. I had never seen it before and I was confused yet intrigued. When I drove up to the building and observed closer I quickly was  in love with it. I still to this day have not seen another building like this one. My overall feelings towards this building are ones of respect to the entire design team as well as admiration.

BLOG 2 – Oklahoma City Federal Building

While I didn’t get to admire the unique architecture of the Oklahoma City Federal Building while I was there, this building had an immeasurable impact on my life. When I was in high school, I was on track to enter the US Navy for a Nuclear Engineering program that was presented to me by some recruiters that came to my high school. I did very well on the ASVAB, especially in the areas that were important to Nuclear, and my recruiters were thrilled to get a new recruit into this selective and demanding program. So off I went to the Federal Building in Oklahoma City to my military entrance physical screening. Everything was going great, and I was about to be a Nuclear engineer for the United States Navy, until I got to the vision exams, where they told me something that I already knew: I am red-green colorblind. This alone kept me from the Nuclear program, and changed the course of my life substantially. Instead, I went on to get a job at OU Medical Center, where I met my now-wife. We now have a house, a cat and dog together, with a baby girl on the way in a few months, and I am attending classes at the University of Oklahoma. All because I can’t tell the difference between a few shades of some colors.

Devon Auditorium

The meaning of this building is something that is hard for me explain. I have always been drawn to this building for quite some time and just cannot figure out why. The entire aesthetic around it is just comforting yet introspective. My experience when I first encountered this building was great. I stood in the small grass field right outside and stared for several minutes as I took in the structure of this auditorium. This is by far one of my favourite structures in Oklahoma.

Building 4: Stanley Hotel

I visited the Stanley Hotel when I was vacationing the Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.  The Hotel itself is beautiful and sits in a beautiful backdrop of Colorado.  I visited this hotel with my parents, unbeknownst to them this was the setting and location for the movie the Shining.  The inside of the hotel gives off a suspenseful vibe, that made me a little scared but not scared enough to run from the building.