Blog 5 – Tom Wright (1)

Tom Wright became head of Atkins’ architecture arm as well as becoming a design director for the Jumeirah Beach Resort which is in Dubai. He designed the Burj Al Arab or the Tower of the Arabs. His mission was to create an iconic and known structure for Dubai and wanted the building he created to be the one that would become known when you think the place Dubai. This specific structure is a hotel is built in the shape of a dhow’s which is a traditional Arabic ship sail to show Dubai′s heritage combined with a modern aspect in how its designed.


Blog 4 – Hancock tower

Hancock tower is  a 100 story tall skyscraper also located in Chicago, Illinois. Although it is a bit shorter than the Willis tower, it is still an architectural feat with a beautiful and intricate design. This tower is considered one of the most famous buildings of the structural expressionist style. You can see the skyscraper’s distinctive X-braced exterior pictured above. This is an architecual  and engineering technique the the architects used to achieve a record height. Although not as tall as the Willis tower located near here, this one stood out much more to me based off of its unique style and design.

Blog 3 – delta tau delta

This is a fraternity house here on campus at OU with a very intresting style of architecture. Its a large triangle with a large rectangular courtyard in the center which is very open. This is a style of architecture I have never really seen anywhere before and think that the design is pretty unique.  It is one story and seems very old but the design is creative in a way because it is a very unusual and uncommon building type showing an old style of architecture.

Blog 4- Great Wolf Lodge

In my opinion the Great wolf Lodge is a little kids fantasy. When I was little every year I would ask to go to this place for my birthday. I think a combination of the eye catching detail of the word architecture and the way they include a water park in it make it a very visually appealing place for all ages. The parents dont mind it because even though it is structured for kids, there is a sophisticated beauty behind all the detail involved(and there is a bar). Great Wolf Lodge does a great job of making you feel like you arent in the middle of Texas which I think people look for when they go on a local vacation.


Blog 3- AT&T Stadium

First glance at AT&T stadium and you are dumbfounded by size of it. With its beautiful LED lights circling it keeping it lit up at all times a day, and the huge letters on the top that say AT&T Stadium i wouldnt be surprised if you could see this bad boy from space.  Every time i encounter this building I get feelings of joy and excitement and can almost smell the popcorn coming from inside. I remember trying to walk to the other side of the stadium and it took forever. THe size and amount of people there make it seem like you are in a never ending loop of football stadium.

Bizzell Memorial Library – 2

The Bizzell Memorial Library is a beautiful five story brick building located here at the University of Oklahoma. It is considered a mixture of collegiate gothic and Cherokee gothic and was built in 1928. In my opinion this is one of the best looking buildings on our campus and draws many people to use it and its many things it has to offer.

Blog 1- Rylee German

The Overholser Mansion is close to my old house I lived in for 7 years. When I was 6 or 7 there was a 4th of July block party and the water balloons and slip n slide were in the mansion’s front yard. I loved that house because it was mysterious and scary. My mom and I took a tour of it the same day and it was very dark and old world on the inside. My friends would always say it was haunted and watch the house’s windows for ghosts. Now when I pass the house it reminds me of my childhood summers.

Blog 2- Gateway Arch

Seeing pictures and hearing stories about the Gateway Arch does not do it justice. This building has very substantial historical meaning that you can almost feel coming off of it ass you approach it. When you get close to the arch you are in awe about the pure size of the thing.  You then proceed to go under ground into a beautiful touristy museum location where you then await your turn to go to the top. When I got in the elevator and started to ascend I had feelings of anxiety and excitement. When you get tp the top the view is jaw dropping and almost to terrifying for some people. I dont mind heights and enjoyed the view to the fullest. Overall the gateway arch and its surrounding area is an awesome place to visit.

Blog 1- Whataburger

The Whataburger in Venus TX, will always be close to my heart. Back when I was in middle school this Whataburger was more than just a fast food chain for me and my friends, it was a symbol of freedom. Every friday we would walk here after school and every time I saw the orange and white stripes in the distance I would always get a warm tingly feeling as if im experiencing freedom for the first time again. I always thought it was super unique to have a Whataburger with the blue trimming, I still never see them. I thinks its awesome this ordinary whataburger can mean so much more than a large fry and a cheap burger.


Pops Route 66

Pops has been a significant part of my life here in Oklahoma. The first time I went was with my boyfriend and he took me there because I was having a bad day. Now I just go when I have a lot going on and want to escape out of Norman. I’ll sit in my car and watch the lights at night or go during the day and sit outside and enjoy the pretty views from the benches. The building is particularly unique with the slanted facade and shelves with the different kinds of soda. I love going there and enjoying the beauty of Oklahoma.