Physical Science Center

The Physical Science Center is the worst building on OU’s campus hands down.  I hate pretty much everything about “The Blender”, it’s one of the ugliest buildings I’ve ever seen, and it looks just like one massive concrete block with absolutely no detail whatsoever besides, the weird triangle spike formations at the base of the building.  I hate everything about this building, and it doesn’t help it that every math class I’ve had has been inside of it.


Lamar County Courthouse

The Lamar County Courthouse in Paris, Texas is a very important building to me because it is the very first time I was able to see the amount of detail that goes into restoring a historical courthouse.  In 2005, my grandpa became the project manager of this restoration project and this allowed me to get an insight on how the courthouse was built.  It was amazing to me to see how much detail was put into a building, especially a historical restoration where everything had to be the same as the original courthouse. After this experience I knew that I wanted to work on buildings such as this which is what led me to pursue a degree in Civil Engineering.  I remember six-year-old me entering the building and be amazed by the amount of history and architecture involved in the design of a courthouse in a small town in Texas.


Blog 1 Building 3

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Bizzell Library

This building is one of my favorite buildings speaking only in an aesthetically pleasing ways. Although most of my memories from this building were negative. I do love that I have these memories, but during the time the experience was negative. I spent many long nights binge studying after lots of procrastination. There is nothing worse than trying to cram an entire chapter in one night. These negative experience has led to me being more prepared for the future, but it was still very negative at the time.

Gladvin George Blog #4 – Burj Khalifa

This is a picture of the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. When I got to see this gigantic piece of architecture, I’m pretty sure my jaw dropped to the floor. I couldn’t even really make out the top of the building from the ground level. That was just crazy to me. I felt insanely tiny compared to this building. All of Dubai was just lined with one skyscraper after another. I wish I could’ve gone up to one of the higher floors to see the whole city from up there. Yet, I’m extremely glad I got to visit this building even if I just got to stay on the ground.

Blog 1 Building 2

Image result for ou physical science center

Physical Science Center

My experience in this building was usually very poor. The building’s color gives off a sad and depressing vibe. Along with the looks of the building, the air conditioning seemed to never be working. I spent many classes sweating in that building. I took many classes in this building through my first two years, and I did not enjoy almost all of the classes I took in here. The physical science center was filled with negative experiences for me.

Blog 1 Building 1

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Headington Hall

This building was where I lived my freshman year of college. I had many very positive experience in this building. The building itself is very appealing looking at it from the outside. I made many friends in this building. The rooms were very nice and comfortable. It was nice to have a living room where I could hangout with my roommates but also have my own space. This lead to me becoming even better friends with my roommates. Not everything about living here was great, but as a whole it was a positive experience.

Gladvin George Blog #3 – Home

This is a picture of the place where I grew up. It is located in southern India in a small town called Mylapra. The first thing that might catch your eye is the bright pink color on the exterior walls. This is unique because in India, you can find houses painted in bright colors like pink, yellow, green, etc. This place is my true home because this is where I lived until I was 9 years old. This is where I first walked, first talked, and all other firsts. When I went back a couple years back, the house and the things around the house felt smaller than I remembered. Maybe it’s because I lived there while I was small and everything around just was bigger than me. Also, I felt a lot of emotions come up when I visited. That place is deeply ingrained as a key part of my life and my upbringing. Sometimes I wish I could go back because those were simpler times.

Gladvin George Blog #2 – Colosseum

As you can guess, this is a picture of the Colosseum in Rome, Italy. This was another architectural piece that stood out to me when I saw it. It was very cool to see where the people gathered together to see entertainment. Though the Colosseum contained some graphic events back in the day, it is the model we use for stadiums of today. I tried to put myself back in the day at the Colosseum and I just thought about how it would’ve been a place unlike any other in the world. The people during that time would point to the Colosseum as their proud nationality. It was an amazing sight to see.

Blog 4- Lincoln Memorial

The Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. is a really beautiful memorial building as areal the famous monuments in Washington D.C. but this one is more special than all of the rest in my opinion. Abraham Lincoln is my favorite president so when my grandparents took me to Washington D.C. on vacation this is one of the buildings I wanted to go to the most and I wasn’t disappointed. This place reminds me of my trip and spending time with my grandparents and separate from that experience it is just a very powerful place to be as well.

Blog 3- Topgolf Oklahoma City

Topgolf in Oklahoma City is a building in which I’ve spent a lot of time in and had a lot of experiences in, both good and bad. I worked there for over four years and spent an incredible amount of time there over the years. I made a lot of friends while I was there and watched a lot of really bad golfers resulting in a lot of fun over the years. It is a very well built and good looking building which serves in part to make it such a fun place to be and to work.